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Welcome To EC-Lab!
Toward a Sustainable Energy Future for All

Fossil fuels (e.g., coal, gasoline and natural gas etc.) serve as the dominant energy source for all as they are cheap and abundant accounting for approximately 80% of the world energy supply.

However the use of this carbon source is finite and leads to emissions including a lot of toxic air pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) which has been established as one of the most critical driving forces of "Climate Change".

Negative impacts of the climate change have been already visible, including increase of sea level, ocean acidification as well as harm to human health. Until we get out of the fossil fuel dependence, such terrible consequences will be continued and grow as a significant threat to our future generations.

Thank you for your attention!

Alternative Ways to Be Carbon Neutral

Our research is focused on electrifying chemical engineering. To that end we work on development of electrochemical catalysts and devices for sustainble energy conversion and storage. 

본 연구실에서는 친환경 에너지 변환 및 저장 시스템 (연료 전지, 수전해, 이산화탄소의 재자원화) 개발을 위해 다양한 전기화학 촉매와 장치를 연구합니다.   

If you are interested in our research, please feel free to contact me.

학생 연구원, 석사 과정, 박사 과정 대학원생, 인턴 연구원을 모집합니다. 

Office: 공대 2호관 52412호
Phone: (+82) 55-213-3751
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